2. On the Microscopic Characters of Volcanic Ashes and Cosmic Dust, and their Distribution in the Deep Sea Deposits


Murray John,Renard Mons. A.,Murray John


In the Session of 1876, Mr John Murray communicated to this Society a paper on the distribution of volcanic debris over the floor of the ocean, and in it announced the discovery of cosmic dust in deep sea deposits. It was shown that at points, where neither the action of waves, rivers, or currents can transport the debris of continents, volcanic materials play the most important role in the formation of the mineral constituents of the deep sea deposits. It was pointed out that pumice, on account of its structure, was able-to float to great distances, but in time became waterlogged and sank to the bottom, there to decompose. On the other hand, incoherent volcanic matters, ejected in the form of lapilli, sand, and ashes, into the higher regions of the atmosphere, may, ceteris paribus, be conveyed, in consequence of their small dimensions and structure, to greater distances than other mineral particles derived from the continents. The possibility was also admitted that submarine volcanic eruptions might also contribute to the accumulation of those silicates and pyrogenous minerals and rocks, whose microscopic characters and distribution at the bottom of the sea we shall presently point out.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


General Medicine,General Chemistry

Reference5 articles.

1. “Les cendres volcaniques de l'éruption du Krakatau” (Bull. Acad. Roy. de Belgique, sér. 3, t. vi. No. 11 Séance du 3 Nov. 1883).

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3. Proc. Moy. Soc. Edin., 1876–1877.

4. Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, 19 Nov. 1883, p. 1101.

5. Bemerkungen zu E. Mallard's Abhandlung sur l'isomorphisme des feldspaths tricliniques, andc;Schuster;Min. petr. Mitth.,1882

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1. Exotic carbon microcrystals in meteoritic dust of the Chelyabinsk superbolide: experimental investigations and theoretical scenarios of their formation;The European Physical Journal Plus;2022-05

2. The Dawn of Dust Astronomy;Space Science Reviews;2019-10

3. Marine Sediment;Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series;2018

4. Marine Sediment;Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series;2016

5. Accretion of extraterrestrial matter recorded in the Triassic and Jurassic bedded chert sequence, southwest Japan;The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan;2015-03-15








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