1. Bonell, M. J. , ‘The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts and Long-Term Contracts’ (position paper prepared for the Working Group on Long-Term Contracts, Principles of International Commercial Contracts, First session, 155Rome, 19–23 January 2015) www.unidroit.org/english/documents/2014/study50/s-50–126-e.pdf accessed 16 July 2018.
2. B. Sheehy , ‘Good Faith in the CISG: The Interpretation Problems of Art 7’ (2007) Review of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 153.
3. UNIDROIT SecretariatItem No. 4 on the agenda: International Commercial Contracts – (b) Possible future work on long-term contracts’ UNIDROIT 2013 – C.D. (92) 4(b)) www.unidroit.org/english/governments/councildocuments/2013session/cd92-04b-e.pdf accessed 24 July 2018.
4. A New World Order