1. 4. Damiano, A. , Lang, R. and Righetti, P.L. Flight dynamics analysis of extended lifetime for the Metop-A GOME-2 instrument, 27th ISSFD, 2019, Melbourne, Australia.
2. 5. Sancho, F. , de Juana Gamo, J.M. and Righetti, P.L. Avoidance of radiofrequency interferences with Metop-A and Metop-B during Metop-C early operations, 27th ISSFD, 2019, Melbourne, Australia.
3. 2. Sancho, F. , Paulino, T. , de Juana Gamo, J.M. and Righetti, P.L. Metop-A de-orbiting using very large in-plane maneuvers, 25th ISSFD, 2015, Munich, Germany.
4. 3. Damiano, A. , Lang, R. , Sancho, F. and Righetti, P.L. Flight dynamics support to extend Metop instruments useful lifetime, 26th ISSFD, 2017, Matsuyama, Japan.
5. 1. Righetti, P.L. and Dyer, R. Feasibility of Metop-A mission extension on drifting local time, 26th ISSFD, 2017, Matsuyama, Japan.