Bovine trypanosomiasis: the red cell kinetics of Ndama and Zebu cattle infected withTrypanosoma congolense


Dargie J. D.,Murray P. K.,Murray Max,Grimshaw W. R. T.,McIntyre W. I. M.


SUMMARYThe responses of susceptible Ndama and Zebu cattle to needle challenge withTrypanosoma congolensewere followed using parasitological, haematological and radio-isotopic methods and compared with those of corresponding uninfected animals. In both breeds, infection became patent at the same time but peak parasitaemias were significantly lower, were attained later and were of short duration in the Ndama. All infected animals became anaemic, the severity of which correlated with the level and duration of parasitaemia. However, even when parasites could no longer be detected in the blood, packed cell volumes showed little tendency to recover. The anaemia was due to increased intravascular red cell destruction and was more pronounced in the Zebu. Haemodilution was not a feature. Increased red cell synthesis occurred in infected animals of both breeds but particularly in the Zebu; this accounted for the capacity to maintain packed cell volume levels following the initial drop associated with parasitaemia. However, in most cases red cell synthesis was less than expected from the degree of anaemia, suggesting impairment of bone marrow function. Measurement of red cell iron utilization indicated that this was due to defective iron re-utilization from degraded red cells arising from reticulo-endothelial blockade. It is concluded that the anaemia in this disease and its underlying processes are broadly in line with the number of parasites in the blood and that the superior resistance of the Ndama cattle lies in their ability to control parasitaemia rather than their capacity to mount a more efficient erythropoietic response.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Infectious Diseases,Animal Science and Zoology,Parasitology

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