Species of Echinococcus (Cestoda: Taeniidae) require 2
hosts to complete their life-cycle; a carnivorous
definitive host, and a herbivorous or omnivorous intermediate host. For
most species of Echinococcus, the definitive host
range is restricted to 1 or a few species, but the intermediate host
range is very broad. Programmes to control hydatid
disease attempt to break the life-cycle of the parasite and their
effectiveness is therefore enhanced by an understanding
of local patterns of transmission. Although it is known that the
rostellar hooks of protoscoleces may be influenced by the
species of intermediate host in which they develop, the application
of this knowledge to infer transmission cycles has been
limited, because the intermediate host effect has not been isolated
from other environmental and genetic components of
phenotypic variance. This study presents a method for separating
these potentially confounding genetic and environmental
effects, by combining quantitative genetic analyses of hook traits
with data on population structure from neutral genetic
markers. The method was applied to 5 hook traits (hook number,
total length of large hooks, blade length of large hooks,
total length of small hooks, blade length of small hooks) measured
on protoscoleces from 2 intermediate host types (sheep
and macropod marsupials) in Australia. Although genetic variance
was similar for all traits, they differed markedly in the
extent of environmental variance attributed to development in
different host types. Total length of small hooks was the
trait most affected, with 49–60% of phenotypic variance being
explained by environmental differences between intermediate host
species. Blade length of small hooks was least
affected, with none of the phenotypic variance due to
intermediate host origin. These data suggest that hook measurements
of adult worms from naturally infected definitive
hosts could be used to determine the intermediate host species from
which infection was acquired, if the appropriate traits are measured.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Infectious Diseases,Animal Science and Zoology,Parasitology
Cited by
13 articles.