Coccidia of the Genus Isospora in Cats, Dogs and Man


Wenyon C. M.


In a recent number of Parasitology Dobell (1926) has expressed disagreement with certain views put forward by me (1923) in a paper dealing with the coccidia of cats, dogs and man. His criticisms deal particularly with the name Isospora belli1 given by me to the coccidium discovered in man during the war, but my observations on the coccidia of cats and dogs also come under review. As regards the coccidia of these animals Dobell's criticisms would undoubtedly have been considerably modified if he had referred to a note written by myself and Sheather (1925). He has apparently overlooked this note entirely, an omission which is all the more unfortunate in that it has a very direct bearing on many of the statements made in his article.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Infectious Diseases,Animal Science and Zoology,Parasitology

Reference11 articles.

1. Coccidiosis of Cats and Dogs and the Status of theIsosporaof Man

2. Zur Kenntniss der Wurmknoten

3. Della gregarinosi dei polli e dell' ordinamento delle gregarine e dei psorospermi degli animali domestici;Rivolta;Lombard. Giorn. d. Anat. Fisiol. e Patol. d. Anim.,1878

4. Über das Vorkommen von zwei Coccidienarten der Gattung Isospora beim Menschen;Reichenow;Arch. f. Schiffs- und Trop.-Hyg.,1925

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