1. Space weathering from Mercury to the asteroid belt
2. [11] I thank Sachiko Amari, Jacob Bernal, Pierre Haenecour, Jane Howe, Michelle Thompson, and Lucy Ziurys for their collaboration. I thank Doug Perovic and Hitachi High Technologies for access to the HF3300 at the University of Toronto. Research supported by NASA grants NNX15AJ22G and 80NSSC19K0509. I acknowledge NASA (grants #NNX12AL47G and #NNX15AJ22G) and NSF (grant #1531243) for funding of the instrumentation in the Kuiper Materials Imaging and Characterization Facility at the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona.
3. The nature and origin of rims on lunar soil grains
4. Polytype Distribution in Circumstellar Silicon Carbide