1. Varicella susceptibility and transmission dynamics in Slovenia
2. Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (2011) Census of population, households and dwellings in the Republic of Serbia. [In Serbian/English]. Available at http://pod2.stat.gov.rs/ObjavljenePublikacije/Popis2011/Nacionalna%20pripadnost-Ethnicity.pdf (Accessed 11 December 2015).
3. Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No. 15/2016 [Law on protection of population from infectious diseases]. [In Serbian]. Available at http://www.paragraf.rs/propisi/zakon_o_zastiti_stanovnistva_od_zaraznih_bolesti.html (Accessed 30 December 2016).
4. Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No. 88/2017 [Rulebook on immunization and drug prescription]. [In Serbian]. Available at http://www.paragraf.rs/propisi/pravilnik_o_imunizaciji_i_nacinu_zastite_lekovima.html (Accessed 28 January 2018).
5. Varicella and herpes zoster vaccines: WHO position paper, June 2014;The Weekly Epidemiological Record,2014