Navigation in Birds and Other Animals


Wiltschko Wolfgang,Wiltschko Roswitha


Many animals have some kind of ‘home’ –a nest, a burrow, etc. This applies to insects that build nests and provide their larvae with food just as much as to numerous species of vertebrates. Rodents and moles are known to dig burrows; most other mammals, reptiles, amphibians and even many fresh-water fish do not roam around randomly either, but have well-defined home ranges with favourite resting places in particular cavities, under rocks or in dense thickets. Birds build nests for their young and fly out searching for food. All these animals permanently face orientation problems: they have to move swiftly and efficiently within their home range, and they must be capable of returning home when they have left their familiar area while exploring, fleeing, etc.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Ocean Engineering,Oceanography

Reference86 articles.

1. Über die Flugrichtung verfrachteter Brieftauben in Abhängigkeit vom Heimatort und vom Ort der Freilassung;Wallraff;Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie,1970

2. Evidence for the use of magnetic outward-journey information in homing pigeons

3. Heimfindeversuche mit Haussperlingen in Nordwestdeutschland;Bub;Falke,1962

4. Pigeon navigation: solved problems and open questions;Papi;Monitore Zoologico Italiano,1986

5. The olfactory navigation system of the homing pigeon;Papi;Verhandlungen der Deutschen zoologischen Gesellschaft,1976

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