1. Batterson Sidney A. Braking and Landing Tests on Some New Types of Airplane Landing Mats and Membranes. NASA TN D-154, 1959.
2. Anon. Flight Tests to Determine the Coefficients of Friction Between an Aircraft Tyre and Various Wet Runway Surfaces. Part I. Preliminary Instrumentation-Proving Trials at Wisley Airfield. S & T Memo. 15/59, Ministry of Aviation, Sept. 1959.
3. Sawyer Richard H. and Kolnick Joseph J. Tire-to-Surface Friction Coefficient Measurements With a C-123 B Airplane on Various Runway Surfaces. NASA TR R-20, 1959.
4. Horne Walter B. , Joyner Upshur T. and Leland Trafford J. W. Studies of the Retardation Force Developed on an Aircraft Tire Rolling in Slush or Water. NASA TN D-552, 1960.
5. Laboratory investigations in to the slipperiness of roads