1. Schubauer G. B. and Klebanoff P. S. Contributions on the Mechanics of Boundary Layer Transition. NACA Tech. Note No. 3489, September 1955.
2. Levey H. C. The Effect of a Small Protuberance on the Potential Flow Past an Airfoil. Aero. Res. Lab. Note ARL/A.134, lune 1954.
3. Some Experiments on the Reattachment of a Laminar Boundary Layer Separating From a Rearward Facing Step on a Flat Plate Aerofoil
4. Evans W. T. and Mort K. W. An Analysis of Computed Flow Parameters for a Set of Sudden Stalls in Low-Speed Two-Dimensional Flow. NASA Tech. Note D.85, Aug. 1959.
5. Note on the Interplay Between Laminar Separation and the Transition from Laminar to Turbulent of the Boundary Layer;Tani;J Soc. Aero. Sci.,1939