1. Burns A. Power Spectra of the Vertical Component of Atmospheric Turbulence Obtained from Concurrent Measure ments on an Aircraft and at Fixed Points. RAE Tech. Note Structures 325, January 1963.
2. Measurement of Gust Loads in Aircraft
3. Diederich F. W. The Response of an Airplane to Random Atmospheric Disturbances. NACA Tech. Note 3910, April 1957.
4. Taylor J. Manual on Aircraft Loads. Agardograph No. 83, Pergamon Press, 1964 (to be published).
5. Houbolt J. C. , Steiner R. and Pratt K. G. Dynamic Response of Airplanes to Atmospheric Turbulence Including Flight Data on Input and Response. NASA Technical Report R-199, June 1964. (An earlier version of this paper bearing the title: “Flight Data and Considerations of the Dynamic Response of Airplanes to Atmospheric Turbulence“ was presented to AGARD, July 1962.)