1. Rushton K. R. and Laing
Lucy M. Finite difference solutions for an
unsteady interference parameter in slotted wind
tunnels. Department of Civil Engg. Report,
University of Birmingham. October
2. Bratt J. B. and Wight K. C.
Measurements of pitching oscillation derivatives
at subsonic and transonic speeds for an M-wing.
Interim report. ARC 21 661. February
3. Davis D. D. and Moore D.
Analytical study of block age and
lift-interference corrections for slotted tunnels
obtained by the substitution of an equivalent
homogeneous boundary for the discrete slots. NACA
RM L53E07b (NACA/TIB/3792). June
4. Garner H. C , Moore A. W.
and Wight K. C. The theory of interference effects
on dynamic measurements in slotted-wall tunnels at
subsonic speeds and comparisons with experiment.
ARC, R and M No 3500.
5. A Review of Slotted-Wall Wind Tunnel Interference Effects on Oscillating Models in Subsonic and Transonic Flows