1. The dynamic context of cultural and social sustainability of communities in Southwest Alaska
2. Krieg T. , D. Holen and D. Koster . 2009. Subsistence harvests and uses of wild resources in Igiugig, Kokhanok, Koliganek, Levelock, and New Stuyahok, Alaska, 2005. Dillingham: Division of Subsistence, Alaska Department of Fish and Game (Technical paper 322).
3. Simeone W.E. 2008. Subsistence harvests and uses of black bears and mountain goats in Prince William Sound. Juneau: Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Subsisence (Technical paper 334).
4. CFEC (Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission). 2014. CFEC Regulations online. URL: http://www.cfec.state.ak.us (accessed January 2014).
5. ADLWD (Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development). 2013. Labor statistics online. URL: http://almis.labor.state.ak.us (accessed July 2013).