1. U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Census. Statistical Abstract of the United States. Various issues.
2. This price-expectation specification can be used as a proxy for an expected price under a Rational Expectation Hypothesis regime (see McCallum). Other price-expectation specifications based on past prices were attempted but yielded less-satisfactory results. The alternative specifications included a Cobweb (lagged price) and a second-order autoregressive regime.
3. The Welfare Loss from the New Sugar Program;Dardis;Journal of Consumer Affairs
4. Jabara C. L. “Effects of Agricultural Protection on Food Manufacturing: The U.S. Sugar Program.” Selected paper presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association Meetings, Knoxville, TN, July 31-August 3, 1988.
5. U.S. Department of Agriculture. World Sugar Supply and Distribution. Foreign Agricultural Series. 1955/56–1979/80. FS-380. 1980.