1. UN. 1985g. United Nations General Assembly Records 40th Session, 49th meeting of the First Committee, 26 November 1985, A/C 1/40/PV 49.
2. UN. 1985c. United Nations General Assembly Records 40th Session, Final Political Declaration of Conference of Foreign Ministers of the Non-Aligned Movement, 4–7 Setember 1985, A/40/854, S/17610.
3. UN. 1985h. United Nations General Assembly Records 40th Session, 53rd meeting of the First Committee, 29 November 1985, A/C 1/40/PV 53.
4. UN. 1985d. United Nations General Assembly Records 40th Session, 50th meeting of the First Committee, 26 November 1985, A/C 1/40/PV 50.
5. UN. 1985b. Resolution CM/Res. 988(XLII) of Organization of African Unity, A/40/666, annex II.