1. UN. 1991e. United Nations General Assembly Records 46th Session. Letterf rom Zimbabwe to UN, 22 November 1991, A46/708.
2. UN. 1991a. United Nations General Assembly Records46th Session. Letter from Turkish representative to UN, 19 September 1991, A46/486.
3. UN. 1992. Resolutions and decisions adopted by the General Assembly during the first part of its 46th Session 1991. 21 January 1992, GA/8307.
4. UN. 1991c. United Nations General Assembly Records 46th Session. 38th meeting of the First Committee, 18 November 1991, A46/GA/PS/2899 (or see A46/C1/ PV38).
5. CCAMLR. 1991. CCAMLR Newsletter13, November 1991.