1. World Health Organization Public Health Pre-Deployment Course. WHO Mediterranean Centre for Health Risk Reduction (WMC) in Hammamet, Tunisia. Website: http://www.who.int/hac/techguidance/training/predeployment/phpd/en/index.html. Accessed August 27, 2013.
2. Harvard Humanitarian Initiative website: http://www.harvard.hhi.edu. Accessed August 27, 2013.
3. Featherstone A. Consortium of British Humanitarian Agencies Mid-Term Review. February 2011. Website: http://www.thecbha.org. Accessed August 27, 2013.
4. Chartered institute of personnel and development website: http://www.cipd.co.uk/2009. Accessed August 27, 2013.
5. World Health Organization Public Health Pre-Deployment Course. WHO Mediterranean Centre for Health Risk Reduction in Hammamet, Tunisia website: http://www.who.int/hac/techguidance/training/predeployment/phpd/en/index.html. Accessed August 27, 2013.