1. McIntyre, Ronald, and David Woodruff Smith. 1989. “Theory of Intentionality.” In J. N. Mohanty and William McKenna, eds., Husserl's Phenomenology: A Textbook, pp. 147–79. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America; Pittsburgh: Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology
2. Leibniz, G. W. 1998. “Principles of Nature and Grace, Based on Reason.” 1714. In G. W. Leibniz, Philosophical Texts. Translated and edited by R. S. Woolhouse and Richard Francks. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Texts from 1686 to 1714
3. Sartre, Jean-Paul. 1963. Being and Nothingness. Translated by Hazel Barnes. New York: Washington Square Press. French original, 1943
4. Intentionality and Picturing: Early Husserlvis-à-visEarly Wittgenstein
5. Husserl, Edmund. 1963. Ideas. Translated by W. R. Boyce Gibson, from the German original of 1913. New York: Collier Books. Originally titled Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy, First Book.