1. Migration Watch (2016), ‘The British in Europe – and Vice versa’, UK Briefing Paper, 23 March, https://www.migrationwatchuk.org/briefing-paper/354, accessed 23 February 2017.
2. House of Lords (2016), ‘EU Select Committee’, 10th Report of Session 2016-17, HL Paper No. 82, 14 December, https://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201617/ldselect/ldeucom/82/8208.htm#footnote-109, accessed 23 February 2017.
3. Spanish Court of Auditors (2012), ‘Report on Application of EU Regulations and International Treatments Regarding Health Care in Spain’, 29 March, accessed 23 February 2017.
4. Douglas-Scott S. (2016), ‘Evidence to the House of Lords EU Select Committee’, Brexit: Acquired Rights, 10th Report of Session 2016-17, HL Paper No. 82, 14 December, Chapter 6, https://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201617/ldselect/ldeucom/82/8209.htm#_idTextAnchor051, accessed 23 February 2017.
5. Spain Adviser (2016), Health Care System and Health Insurance in Spain, http://www.sidsnet.org/moving-to-spain/healthcare-insurance-spain/#Cost_of_Private_Health_Insurance, accessed 23 February 2017.