DESPITE the substantial and significant body of scholarly work on changing
gender relations among African peoples who are (or were) primarily
cultivators, the gender relations of predominantly pastoralist peoples
been, with a few notable exceptions, curiously excluded from historical
examination. Instead, despite work which has shown the complexities of
trying to determine the ‘status’ of East African pastoralist
women, pastoralist
gender relations seem to exist outside of history and be immune to change.
Earlier anthropological studies that addressed pastoral gender relations
applied a synchronic model, analyzing them in terms of either the pastoral
mode of production or pastoralist ideology. Harold Schneider, for example,
contended that among East African pastoralists, men's control of livestock
gave them control of women, who were ‘usually thoroughly subordinated
men and thus unable to establish independent identity as a production force’.
In his rich ethnography of Matapato Maasai, Paul Spencer claimed
that both male and female Maasai believe in ‘the undisputed right
of men to
own women as “possessions” ’. Marriage, in his view,
was therefore
‘the transfer of a woman as a possession from her father who reared
her to her
husband who rules her’. Melissa Llewelyn-Davies' study of Loita
women in Kenya corroborated Spencer's findings. Loita Maasai women
perceived themselves, and were perceived, as ‘property’, to
be bought and
sold by men with bridewealth. Llewelyn-Davis argued that ‘elder patriarchs’
used their control of property rights in women, children and livestock
control the production and reproduction of both livestock and human
beings. Similarly, in his symbolic analysis of pastoral Maasai ideology,
Galaty contended that Maasai men were the ‘real’ pastoralists,
while Maasai
women were negatively equated with lower status hunters, providing an
ideological explanation for their lower status. Thus, whether they attributed
their findings to material or ideological sources (or some combination
of the
two), few anthropologists questioned the ‘undisputed right’
of contemporary
male pastoralists ‘to own women as possessions’.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Cited by
77 articles.