1. Pottery found during this journey, all of it from surface collections, has been divided between the Nigerian Government Department of Antiquities and the Department of Archaeology at the University College of Ghana.
2. At Mao, A.D.H.B. had the benefit of discussions with the Chef du Cercie and the Sultan of Mao, and is also deeply indebted to Monsieur and Madame Laverdant for their hospitality and assistance.
3. We should like here to express our thanks to Bilal Omer who acted as our interpreter. In spite of his lack of English his excellent command of Arabic, Kanuri, and Hausa was of great value.
4. Bornu Sahara and Sudan and Sudanese Memoirs, 3 vols. These curious works contain, if one can sort it out, a mass of information but are uncritical and full of inaccuracies.