1. Magyar, Reisen, 200.
2. Heywood, ‘Production’, 102, 109.
3. The slave trade in eighteenth century Angola: effects on demographic structures;Thornton;Canadian J. Afr. Studies,1980
4. The Map is drawn from the same sources as Chart 1. We have drawn the base map onto squared paper using the (U.S.) Army Map Service Series at 1:2,000,000 scale as a base for hydrography and some physical features (this map also places contours at 100-meter intervals) and have matched these against the map illustrating Magyar's book. Magyar's map contains several errors: although he calculated the position of a number of places by astronomical methods, his latitude and longitude grid is off by nearly a degree in each dimension. Secondly, he made numerous minor errors in the hydrography for the north of the map, and several serious errors in hydrography for the southern areas (the rivers that flow north and south are shown flowing northwest to southeast). Thus we have had to redraw Magyar's map, making use of his hydrography and physical features and narrative description in the text. In view of the importance of the surface area calculations, however, we have tried to harmonize Magyar's estimates of area with the areas in the redrawn map (not a difficult task, in many cases there is a very close correlation). Magyar attempted to draw kingdom boundaries on the map, and we have respected these as much as possible, although his boundaries are much changed in our map in the south and southeast. We have supplied district boundaries, using mountain ranges and rivers as boundaries where apparently indicated, and have been more arbitrary where such obvious features are lacking.