Conservation and value of local livestock breeds: usefulness of niche products and/or adaptation to specific environments


Verrier E.,Tixier-Boichard M.,Bernigaud R.,Naves M.


SummaryTwo cases of livestock production involving French local breeds are analysed. The first shows how a high quality product under AOC (Protected Designation of Origin — PDO) has been defined for the Bresse chicken breed, formely kept by fancy breeders. The second shows the role of the local cattle breeds Abondance and Tarentaise in both the use of mountain areas and the development of PDO products. How to consider such values in a public policy dealing with farm animal genetic resources is discussed.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)

Reference26 articles.

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4. Naves M. 2003. Caractérisation et gestion d'une population bovine locale de la zone tropicale: le bovin Créole de Guadeloupe. PhD thesis, INA Paris Grignon.







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