The Bakungu Chiefs of Buganda under British Colonial Rule, 1900–1930


Twaddle Michael


In 1959 C. C. Wrigley published ‘The Christian revolution in Buganda’. an important essay summarizing a decade of intensive research into Buganda politics during the nineteenth century. There he demonstrated how ‘Ganda society had undergone, immediately before the advent of British imperial power, a genuine revolution, which had brought about drastic changes in ideology and in the structure as well as the personnel of government and that as a result of these [and other] changes it was uniquely fitted to cope with the new situation which confronted it in the last years of the nineteenth century’. This essay seeks to reconstruct an intriguing attempt made by the Bakungu client-chiefs who triumphed in that ‘Christian revolution’ to perpetuate their power in the Buganda kingdom by making further institutional changes during the second decade of the twentieth century. But first it is necessary to discuss the general factors shaping political relationships between these client-chiefs and their European rulers during the first and third decades of this century. In this it is possible to take account not only of several secondary sources published since the appearance of Wrigley's article nearly ten years ago, but also of certain primary materials which have recently come to light.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)



Reference48 articles.

1. Knowles to Entebbe , 10 03 1913, loc. cit.

2. Cooper to Entebbe , 23 03 1913, E.S.A. C/113/1910.

3. Jackson , 27 02 1913, loc. cit.

4. Knowles to Entebbe , 11 11 1912, extract copy, loc. cit. Probably the most serious discrepancy was the use of lukiko lwe kyama for ‘committee’ in the Luganda draft, since kakiko seems the most straightforward translation of that word; kyama means ‘secret’.

5. Knowles to Entebbe , 31 08 1912, loc. cit.

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