1. For the Becquey-Legrand relationship see Beugnot, Becquey, pp. 271–72, 289–91.
2. See Becquey's disappointed and impolitic words in 1822 about the “naturally timid” nature of French investors in A.P., vol. 37, p. 264.
3. Becquey, speaking for the 1822 canal bill, 8 July 1822, A.P., vol. 37, p. 263. The words “capitaliste” and “spéculateur” had then a neutral or even benign connotation.
4. Charle, Les hauts foncrionnaires, pp. 247–50. For Becquey's one important speech during these debates see A.P., vol. 37, pp. 260–69.
5. Becquey, Rapport, pp. 13–14; Beugnot, Becquey, pp. 177–79.