1. Monteith, J. L., and L. E. Mount (Eds.), 1974: Heat Loss From Animals and Man: Assessment and Control – a series of papers on the physical principles of heat transfer in humans, and the physiology of thermoregulation,
2. Adolph, E. F. (Ed.), 1969: Physiology of Man in the Desert – treats virtually all aspects of the physical effects of desert heat and dehydration on humans, based on field and laboratory studies
3. Lee, D. H. K., 1968: Human adaptation to arid environments – discusses heat regulatory processes, physiological consequences of heat regulation, and adaptive processes
4. Tromp, S. W., 1980: Biometeorology: The impact of the weather and climate on humans and their environment (animals and plants) – contains a brief discussion of thermoregulation in humans
5. Oke, T. R., 1987: Boundary Layer Climates – contains a chapter on the climates of animals