1. International Convention Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties, Nov. 29, 1969, 26 UST 765
2. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, May 18, 1967, 17 UST 1523, 600 UNTS 332, as modified by Protocol of 1978 relating thereto, June 1, 1978, 17 ILM 546 (1978)
3. Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community, Mar. 25, 1957, art. 186, 298 UNTS 3
4. Rules of the Tribunal (ITLOS/8), as amended on 15 March and 21 September 2001, available at http://www.itlos.org/start2_en.html
5. International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation, Nov. 30 1990, 30 ILM 773 (1991)