1. Jean-Joseph Nyandwi, Employee at the Burundian NGO Conseil pour l’Education et le Développement (COPED) during the embargo, Bujumbura, 27.8.2013.
2. Jean Marie Ngendahayo, Minister of Communications and Government Spokesman (1993), worked for the FRODEBU in exile (1995–1998), Bujumbura, 12.8.2013.
3. Louis Nduwimana, Employee at the UNDP during the embargo, Bujumbura, 20.8.2013.
4. Benoit Ndorimana, Administrative general director of the assurance company SOGEAR, Bujumbura, 20.8.2013.
5. Joseph Ndayisaba, Minister for Basic Education and Alphabetization (1997–1998), Bujumbura, 16.8.2013.