George Stuart Graham-Smith (25 September 1875–30 August 1950)


Spooner E. T. C.


G. S. Graham-Smith was born on 25 September 1875, the son of a colonel in the Indian Army. He expressed a wish, during his life-time and in his Will, that no obituary notices should be published about him, because so few of those with whom he was intimately associated during the most active period of his working life now remain. It has, nevertheless, seemed proper to submit the following account of him, because many friends and students and some contributors or subscribers to the Journal who knew him only as editor, will wish to see such details of his life and work recorded.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Immunology

Reference67 articles.

1. An investigation of the incidence of the micro-organisms known as non-lactose fermenters in flies in normal surroundings associated with epidemic diarrhoes;Graham-Smith;41st Rep. med. Offr. loc. Govt Bd,1912

2. The control of reaction in cultures and enzyme digests;Foreman;Spec. Rep. Food Invest. Bd, Lond.,1928

3. Canine Piroplasmosis. V. Further Studies on the Morphology and Life-History of the Parasite

4. Observations on the Habits and Parasites of Common Flies

5. (1) Cobbett L. & Graham-Smith G. S. (1902). Report on measures taken to check the outbreak of diphtheria in Colehester in 1901. Borough of Colchester.







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