The availability of the nitrogen in the crop residues of winter wheat to subsequent crops


Hart P. B. S.,Powlson D. S.,Poulton P. R.,Johnston A. E.,Jenkinson D. S.


SUMMARYThree field experiments in Eastern England, in which 15N-labelled fertilizer had been applied to winter wheat, were used to measure the persistence of the labelled N remaining in soil and stubble at harvest and the availability of this N to up to four subsequent wheat crops. A portion of the labelled fertilizer N quickly became stabilized in the soil, with only small and ever-decreasing amounts recovered by subsequent crops. Combining all sites, all years and all applications of fertilizer, 6·6±1·92 (S.D.) % of the labelled fertilizer remaining in soil (0–70 cm) plus stubble in the year of application was taken up by the next wheat crop, i.e. by the first ‘residual year’ crop. A further 3·5±0·39% was taken up in the second residual year, 2·2±0·43% in the third and 2·2% in the fourth. Loss of residual labelled N was more rapid from a sandy soil than from two heavier-textured soils, particularly in the first residual year. After four residual crops on one of the heavier soils (at Rothamsted), 16% of the labelled N remaining in soil (0–70 cm) and stubble in the year of application had been taken up by the crops, c. 29% had been lost from the soil/crop system and 55% remained in the soil.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Genetics,Agronomy and Crop Science,Animal Science and Zoology







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