1. Drayoott A. P. (1976). Fertilising the subsoil. Rothamsted Report for 1975, part I, 75.
2. Johnston A. E. , Mattingly G. E. G. & Poulton P. R. (1976). Effect of phosphate residues on soil P values and crop yields. I. Experiments on barley, potatoes and sugar beet on sandy loam soils at Woburn. Rothamsted Report for 1975, part 2, 5–134.
3. The effect of soil physical conditions and nitrogen fertilizer on the yield of Italian ryegrass
4. Rothamsted Experimental Station (1974, 1975, 1976, 1977). Effects of Deep PK. Yields of the Field Experiments, 74/W/RN/16, 75/W/RN/16, 76/W/RN/16, 77/W/RN/16.