Rotations of barley with feed legumes produce more biomass and crude protein than barley-fallow
and continuous barley sequences, but scope remains to improve the potential value to farmers of feed
legume-based systems. This paper summarizes 6-year results from two sites from 2-year rotations of
barley with: narbon vetch (Vicia narbonensis) and lathyrus (Lathyrus sativus), each harvested mature;
and common vetch (Vicia sativa), harvested by simulated green-grazing and mature, all in factorial
combination with four NP fertilizer regimes applied biennially to the barley.Mean yield differences between rotations were quite small, but at the drier site the narbon vetch
rotation was significantly superior in both total biomass and crop total nitrogen. Other results
implied yield compensation between barley and legume phases: barley performance was relatively
depressed at the wetter site after high-yielding narbon vetch but was relatively enhanced at both sites
after green-grazed common vetch. Evidence from year-round soil-water monitoring suggests that the
benefit following green grazing may have arisen, in part, from a small carry-over of profile moisture
between crops not much inferior to that residual from a fallow year. Both crop phases responded
strongly to biennial P fertilizer; and barley responded strongly to three rates of N-fertilizer, but a
sometimes significant curvilinear component to this response reflected a tendency for grain yields to
be depressed by added nitrogen in the driest years. But interactions between N-rates and rotations
were not significant.It was concluded that narbon vetch may have greater potential than common vetch and lathyrus
for mature harvest in drier areas, but its unsuitability for grazing green is a limitation. Flexibility of
utilization is important, to accommodate the needs of different farmers and the exigencies of different
seasons. The green-graze option has major potential where there is a demand for high-quality spring
grazing; and indications that barley may be as productive after green-grazed vetch as after a year of
fallow suggest an alternative approach for farmers who have previously avoided legumes in order to
maximize barley production.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Genetics,Agronomy and Crop Science,Animal Science and Zoology
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30 articles.