AbstractThe general solution of the rth inhomogeneous linear difference equation is given in the formThe coefficients , i = 2, …, r, and b(n−r)(n) can be evaluated from n values , k = 0, …, n − 1, which santisfy an rth order homogenous linear difference equation. In the rth order homogeneous case and if n ≥ 2r, the method requires the evaluation of r determinants of successive orders n − 2r + 1, n − 2r + 2, …, n − r. If r ≤ n ≤ 2r − 1, only n − r determinants are required, with orders varying from 1 to n − r. In the second order ihnomogenous case, can be evaluated from a continued fraction amd a simple product.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)