1. Regesta Regni Hierosolymitani, ed. Röhricht R. (Innsbruck 1893–1904) no. 422a; Mayer 172, 181–96, 222–29; A. Linder, 'An Unpublished Charter of Geoffrey, Abbot of the Temple in Jerusalem,’ Outremer: Studies in the History of the Crusading Kingdom of Jerusalem, edd. B. Z. Kedar et al. (Jerusalem 1982) 119–29.
2. John of Würzburg 119–29; Theodoric 22–24; William of Tyre 15, 18 (RHC HOcc I 687); M. de Vogüé, 'Achard d'Arrouaise, Poème sur le Templum Domini,’ Archives de l'Orient Latin I ( 1881) 564. Vogüé, Eglises 282–88; Mayer 223–24; H. Adolf, 'Christendom and Islam in the Middle Ages,’ Speculum 32 (1957) 111. For the date of the celebration see also Hamilton, The Latin Church, Appendix 371–72.
3. For the ordo peregrinationis see, e.g., ‘De Situ Urbis Jerusalem’ (ca. 1130) in Vogüé, Eglises, 412–13.
4. Suriano Suriano , Il Trattato di Terra Santa e dell'Oriente 44, ed. Golubovich G. (Milan 1900) 98 and n. 2.
5. Theodoric 24–25.