Microcosmus: From Anaximandros to Paracelsus


Allers Rudolf


The ideas expressed by the names of Microcosmus and Macrocosmus have never lost their attraction for speculative minds since the time they first made their appearance in early Greek philosophy. There have been ages in which these ideas receded more or less into the background, others in which they played a rather dominating rôle. It seems worth while to inquire into the nature of these ideas and to study the spirit of those ages which felt them congenial to their total mentality. One might also try to determine those notions and principles with which the idea of the microcosm came to be associated during its long history. Even a superficial survey of the ages to which the notion of microcosm particularly appealed, and of the ideas with which it entered into combinations, seems to show that this idea might be considered as a kind of “symptom”, a characteristic to be found mainly with a certain type of historical mentality.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Literature and Literary Theory,Philosophy,Religious studies,Visual Arts and Performing Arts

Reference248 articles.

1. This law has been emphasized and definitely overrated by Lévy-Bruhl and his many followers. There is no doubt that it exists and plays a great rôle in primitive thought. But it is active only under rather specific conditions, and by far not the universal principle of reasoning, even with the most primitive peoples.

2. Inge W. R. , The Philosophy of Plotinus (3d. ed. London, 1939), p. 210. Such identifications managed to pass as long as the trinitarian doctrine was not yet fully defined. Clement , Strom. 4, 25; 5, 14; 7, 7; Theodoretus, 4, 750, do not hesitate to accept the immortal principles of the Platonists, the One, the and the World-Soul: “the One we call God the Father , the Son or Logos, the soul The Holy Spirit”. But Bernardus Silvestris, too, seems to identify Noys with the Son, or perhaps to designate Him by this name. Gilson E. , “La cosmogénie de Bernardus Silvestris”, Arch. d'Hist. Doctr. Lit. du M.-A. 3 (1928), 12 ff.

3. Met. A, 6 (987 b 11): Cf. Aristoxenos in Diels, Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, I, 45:

4. If Hegel's famous word of Minerva's bird starting on its flight only in the dusk were generally true, one would have to place Anaximandros at the end of a period of the history of thought. Sometimes, however, this bird unfolds its wings also in the hours of dawn.

5. Burnet J. , Early Greek Philosophy , p. 135. Fragm. 94: ἥλιoς γáρ oὐχ Πρεσβήσεται μέτρα' εἰ δὲ μὴ, 'Eρινύες Δίκης ἐΠίκoυρoι ἐξευρήσoυσιν.

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