Radiocarbon determinations, luminescence dating and Australian archaeology


Allen Jim


The September 1993 editorial (ANTIQUITY 65: 44–5) made comment on recent Australian dates, by luminescence techniques, significantly older than radiocarbon determinations from elsewhere in Australia and New Guinea, which formed a single continent in the late Pleistocene. (There are hints also from the Americas of a discrepancy between dates by the two methods.) The period involved, c. 30-60,000 years ago, is crucial also in the Old World mainland, where the beginning of the European Upper Palaeolithic is usually set at c. 35,000 years ago by radiocarbon determinations.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


General Arts and Humanities,Archeology

Reference19 articles.

1. Early dates at Malakunanja II: a reply to Bowdler;Roberts;Australian Archaeology,1990

2. Some Sort Of Dates At Malakunanja II: A Reply To Roberts Et Al.

3. A continental reconnaissance: some observations concerning the discovery of the Pleistocene archaeology of Australia;Jones;A community of culture: the people and prehistory of the Pacific,1993

4. backfill

Cited by 37 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Allen, Jim;Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology;2020

2. Iconic imagery: Pleistocene rock art development across northern Australia;Quaternary International;2013-02

3. Pre-European Fire Regimes in Australian Ecosystems;Geography Compass;2008-06-28

4. The Mode and Tempo of the Initial Human Colonisation of Empty Landmasses: Sahul and the Americas Compared;Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association;2008-06-28

5. Spear and digging stick;Journal of Social Archaeology;2006-10







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