Summarizing a group of 14C dates on the historical time scale: with a worked example from the Late Neolithic of Bavaria


Aitchison Tom,Ottaway Barbara,Al-Ruzaiza Abdulrahman S.


There is a large gap between the fact of a radiocarbon determination and the archaeological answer to the question to which it relates. The first part of the gap is addressed by calibration, that turns a measure of 14C activity into an estimate of a calendar date. Here is a contribution to the second part, by which a set of calibrated dates is made to provide a calendar range for the archaeological events under study.This note follows ANTIQUITY's usual convention, under which uncalibrated determinations are given in lower-case, b.p., and calibrated dates in small capitals, BP, BC or AD.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


General Arts and Humanities,Archaeology

Reference8 articles.

1. Density Estimation for Statistics and Data Analysis

2. High-Precision 14C Measurement of Irish Oaks to Show the Natural 14C Variations from AD 1840 to 5210 BC

3. Statistical treatment of groups of related radiocarbon dates;Aitchison;Proceedings of the 2nd symposium on archaeology and I4C, Groningen

4. Smooth regression analysis;Watson;Sankhy A,1964

5. In preparation. Interval estimation of a floruit: non-parametric regression and density estimation in an archaeological context;Aitchison;Applied Statistics







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