We construct Bratteli–Vershik models for Toeplitz flows and characterize a class of properly ordered Bratteli diagrams corresponding to these flows. We use this result to extend by a novel approach—using basic theory of dimension groups—an interesting and non-trivial result about Toeplitz flows, first shown by Downarowicz. (Williams had previously obtained preliminary results in this direction.) The result states that to any Choquet simplex $K$, there exists a $0$–$1$ Toeplitz flow $(Y,\psi)$, so that the set of invariant probability measures of $(Y,\psi)$ is affinely homeomorphic to $K$. Not only do we give a conceptually new proof of this result, we also show that we may choose $(Y,\psi)$ to have zero entropy and to have full rational spectrum.Furthermore, our Bratteli–Vershik model for a given Toeplitz flow explicitly exhibits the factor map onto the maximal equicontinuous (odometer) factor. We utilize this to give a simple proof of the existence of a uniquely ergodic 0–1 Toeplitz flow of zero entropy having a given odometer as its maximal equicontinuous factor and being strongly orbit equivalent to this factor. By the same token, we show the existence of 0–1 Toeplitz flows having the 2-odometer as their maximal equicontinuous factor, being strong orbit equivalent to the same, and assuming any entropy value in $[0,\ln 2)$.Finally, we show by an explicit example, using Bratteli diagrams, that Toeplitz flows are not preserved under Kakutani equivalence (in fact, under inducing)—contrasting what is the case for substitution minimal systems. In fact, the example we exhibit is an induced system of a 0–1 Toeplitz flow which is conjugate to the Chacon substitution system, thus it is prime, i.e. it has no non-trivial factors.The thrust of our paper is to demonstrate the relevance and usefulness of Bratteli–Vershik models and dimension group theory for the study of minimal symbolic systems. This is also exemplified in recent papers by Forrest and by Durand, Host and Skau, treating substitution minimal systems, and by papers by Boyle, Handelman and by Ormes.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics
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54 articles.