1. Hodgson, The Venture, 11, 400 ff. and 490.
2. Urunbaev, Pis'nia-avtografy, PP. 33–34; see, for example, nos. 60 (64), 88(93), 69 (74) and 222 (227).
3. Molchanov, “K kharakteristike,” PP. 156–57. Molchanov points Out that this was the same amount of money that had been assigned Husain Bāyqarā as a generous stipend by his early mentor, Abū 'l-Qāsim Bābur. It is entirely possible, however, that the figure 100,000 was simply a generic designation for a large sum of money.
4. For the description of one such majlis, see Vāsifī, Badayi, 11, 963–64.
5. Khvāndamīr, HS, IV, 326.