Since 1968 the African Studies Centre (ASC) in Leiden, The Netherlands, has published an abstracts journal, first under the titleDocumentatieblad(1968-1993), subsequently renamedAfrican Studies Abstracts.In 2003African Studies Abstractswent online. RenamedAfrican Studies Abstracts Online,it also appeared in a limited print edition, principally for distribution in Africa where Internet connectivity was often problematic. However as the ICT infrastructure in African countries developed, the print edition was increasingly seen as having outlived its usefulness. The last paper copy ofAfrican Studies Abstracts Online,number 37, appeared in February 2012.In the years since 1968 the abstracts journal has undergone a number of changes, not only in name and appearance, but also in frequency of publication and coverage, number of abstracts and types of indexes, and price. More fundamental changes are expected in the near future.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)