A streamline coordinate analysis of a turbulent boundary layer subject to pressure gradients and curvature on the windward side of a bump


Prakash AviralORCID,Balin RiccardoORCID,Evans John A.ORCID,Jansen Kenneth E.ORCID


Direct numerical simulation (DNS) of a turbulent boundary layer over the Gaussian (Boeing) bump is performed. This boundary layer exhibits a series of adverse and favourable pressure gradients and convex and concave curvature effects before separating. These effects on turbulent boundary layers are characterised and compared with a lower-Reynolds-number flow over the same geometry. The momentum budgets are analysed in the streamline-aligned coordinate system upstream of the separation region. These momentum budgets allow the simplification of equations to facilitate an integral analysis. Integral-analysis-based approximations for Reynolds stresses in the inner and outer regions of the boundary layer are also formulated. The shear and wall-normal Reynolds stress profiles normalised by these approximations exhibit a better collapse compared with friction velocity and Zagarola–Smits normalisations in the strong favourable pressure gradient region and in the mild adverse pressure region that precedes it in this flow. Simplification of these Reynolds stress approximations along with results from the DNS are used to obtain semi-empirical approximations that are able to provide stress closure in terms of wall solution fields for the turbulent boundary layer under consideration.


Langley Research Center


Cambridge University Press (CUP)

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