AbstractGiven a graph G, the minimum Connected-k-Subgraph Cover problem (MinCkSC) is to find a minimum vertex subset C of G such that every connected subgraph of G on k vertices has at least one vertex in C. If furthermore the subgraph of G induced by C is connected, then the problem is denoted as MinCkSC
. In this paper, we first present a PTAS for MinCkSC on an H-minor-free graph, where H is a graph with a constant number of vertices. Then, we design an
-time FPT algorithm for MinCkSC
on a graph with treewidth
, based on which we further design an
$O(2^{O(\sqrt{t}\log t)}|V|^{O(1)})$
time subexponential FPT algorithm for MinCkSC
on an H-minor-free graph, where t is an upper bound of solution size.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)