1. A color-banded Beachia (Brachiopoda; Terebratulida) from the Oriskany equivalent (mid-Early Devonian) of central Alabama;Blodgett;Journal of Paleontology,1983
2. Lower Devonian stratigraphy and correlation, northern Simpson Park Range, Nevada;Johnson;Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology,1965
3. Phacops and other trilobites from Emsian age beds of the Delorme Formation, Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories
4. Paleogeography and correlation of Appalachian Province Lower Devonian sedimentary rocks;Boucot;Tulsa Geological Society Digest,1967
5. Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian brachiopods of Royal Creek, Yukon, Canada. Part 1, Orthoida, Strophomenida, Pentamerida, Rhynchonellida. Part 2, Spiriferida: Atrypacea, Dayiacea, Athyridacea, Spiriferacea. Palaeontographica, Abt;Lenz;A,1977