1. López Bultó, O , Andreaki, V , Gassmann, P , Barceló, JA , Antolin, F , Palomo, A , Terradas, X , Piqué, R. Forthcoming. Dendrochronology and Bayesian radiocarbon modelling at the early Neolithic site of La Draga (Banyoles, NE Spain). In: Ballmer A, Hafner A, Tinner W, editors. Prehistoric wetland sites of southern Europe. Archaeology, chronology, palaeoecology and bioarchaeology. (Natural Science in Archaeology). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
2. Western Mediterranean climate and environment since Marine Isotope Stage 3: a 50,000-year record from Lake Banyoles, Spain
3. A personal view of the neolithisation of the Western Mediterranean
4. Andreaki, V , Barceló-Álvarez, JA , Antolín i Tutusaus, F , Bogdanovic, I , Gassmann, P , López-Bultó, O , Morera, N , Palomo, A , Piqué, R , Revelles, J , Terradas, X. 2020. Un modelo bayesiano para la cronología del yacimiento neolítico de La Draga (Banyoles, Girona). Un caso de estudio con ChronoModel 2.0. Métodos Cronométricos en Arqueología, Prehistoria y Paleontología. Barcelona, Spain: Dextra Editorial S.L. p. 403–418.
5. Holocene demographic fluctuations, climate and erosion in the Mediterranean: A meta data-analysis