Seasonal and Vertical Variability of Currents Energy in the Sub-Mesoscale Range on the Black Sea Shelf and in Its Central Part


Puzina O. S.,Kubryakov A. A.,Mizyuk A. I., , ,


Purpose. The study is aimed at investigating seasonal variability and vertical distribution of the sub-mesoscale currents energy (scales L = 1 … 10 km, T = 1 … 10 days) in the deep and shelf zones of the Black Sea. Methods and Results. The study is based on the spectral analysis of the results obtained from the NEMO model numerical calculations performed with high spatial resolution 1 km. The analysis shows that the seasonal variability of the submesoscale energy is significantly different in deep and shelf zones of the basin. At the same time, in both regions, seasonal variation of energy of the sub-mesoscale currents with scales L < 10 rm (Esp) is in good agreement with that of the density fluctuations on the same scales. In the central part of the sea, the high values of Esp are concentrated in the upper mixed layer throughout the whole year. The Esp peak is observed in winter at the depths 0–40 m, which indicates the important role of baroclinic instability induced by the inhomogeneous distribution of the mixed layer depth (MLD) in the generation of sub-mesoscale processes. At the same time, in February in the central part of the northwestern shelf, an absolute minimum of (Esp) is observed. This minimum is caused by the complete mixing and barotropization of the water column. The Esp maximum values are observed in the shelf in September – October. This is related to the intensification of the brackish water transport from the river mouths by mesoscale eddies. In the autumn period high values of Esp in the shelf and deep part of the basin are observed in the deeper layer, compare to summer months .Variability of the Esp vertical distribution coincides to the time variation of MLD. Variability of the submesoscale energy is of a pulsating character with the short-term intensifications and weakenings. Such variability is significantly related to the passing of the mesoscale fronts and the cross-shelf water transport caused by the eddies and upwellings, which lead to the increase of the baroclinic instability. Conclusions. Analysis of the seasonal and vertical variability of the submesoscale currents in the Black Sea deep and shelf zones evidences about the decisive role of the baroclinic instability triggered mainly by the heterogeneity of MLD on their dynamics.











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