Anthropogenic Impact on the Lithodynamics of the Coastal Zone of the Southern and Western Black Sea Coast (Review)


Efremova T. V.,Goryachkin Yu. N., ,


Anthropogenic impact on lithodynamics of the coastal zone changes the natural dynamics of bottom sediments, which leads to increased abrasion and swelling of beaches, activation of landslide processes creating a threat of destruction of the coastal infrastructure. The article aims at providing an overview of the scientific literature on the anthropogenic impact on lithodynamics of the coastal zone of the southern and western coasts of the Black Sea (shores of Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey). The work shows that with all the differences in the natural conditions of the coastal zones of these countries the types of anthropogenic effects they undergo are almost the same. These include: hydrotechnical construction without regard to the impact on the neighbouring coast sections; reduction of solid river flow due to river regulation by reservoirs; construction of capital facilities directly on the beaches; illegal extraction of sand from beaches and river beds; dredging with sale of the extracted material to construction companies; covering of cliffs by various structures; destruction of coastal dunes, etc. The main negative consequences of these actions are reflected in disruption of natural dynamics and shortages of bottom sediments, changes in the coastline, reduced aesthetic attractiveness and accessibility of shores, destruction of coastal ecosystems. The article also provides information on the legislation of these countries regarding environmental management in the coastal zone



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