This paper conducts narrative analysis for the rhetorical critique of Roederer's <i>The Physics and Psychophysics of Music</i>, a prominent textbook of music science. It is possible to analyze implicit narratives even for texts in non-narrative genres. In science textbooks, implicit narratives can be analyzed in structural, educational, and research contexts. Roederer's satisfies structural coherence by composing a book in a way that deals with the perception of pitch, volume, timbre, and harmony according to the stages of sound generation, transmission, and acceptance in a structural context. In an educational context, a book is composed of content that students may be interested in for a scientific understanding of music to satisfy material coherence, and the validity of narrative fidelity is satisfied through the pursuit of reliable knowledge through experience data and improved observational equipment according to the method of constructing scientific knowledge. From the research context, we can confirmed that characterological coherence is secured by satisfying the truthfulness of narrative fidelity through the update of knowledge throughout the four editions, and by revealing that the knowledge of music science is being built through the activities of major researchers.
Ministry of Education
National Research Foundation of Korea
The Korean Association of General Education