Education is of major importance to the development of a just and egalitarian society. In this context, the present study aims to awaken and improve the technical knowledge of students in science classes with scientific research from experimentation with the planting of bean seeds. The present study took place in the July to August 2023 in science classes from elementary school II in a municipal school from the city of Caicó – Rio Grande do Norte (RN), in which it was developed the planting of bean seeds by the respective students, in order to arouse curiosity and the investigative power that science has about the day to day of the human being as a society. Furthermore, a thorough was carried out search per academic Works on the platform “google acadêmico” to reinforce and highlight the importance of the from practical classes with the theory taught in the classroom. If concludes that the students responded satisfactorily to the proposed activity. In synthesis, working with investigative experimentation is a great challenge, not just for scientific interest, but its methodological procedures have to be of interest mutual in between teacher/student.
Universidade Estadual de Alagoas
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