Frequency of High Neutrophil and Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) Among NSTEMI/USA patients


Shamim Afaq,Chachar Aijaz Zeeshan Khan,Haider Miqdad,Asif Mohsin,Ali Sajjad,Tahir Muhammad Mubashar,Ali Sajjad


Background: Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) is comparatively a new prognostic marker used in patients with chronic stable angina (CSA). NLR can help in predicting short and long term moralities in NSTEMI patients. Aim: To evaluate the frequency of high neutrophil and lymphocyte ratio among NSTEMI/USA patients and to compare frequency of mortality in patients of NSTEMI/USA having high NLR with those without high NLR. Study design& duration: Descriptive, case series study from 25th November 2020 to 24th May 2021. Study settings: Department of Medicine and Cardiology, Fatima Memorial Hospital, Lahore. Methods: 185 patients having non ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) and/or unstable angina (UA) having 30 to 70 years age and both males and females were included. Patients with sepsis having total Leucocyte count (TLC>11,000/<4000), history of surgery or on steroids in the past three months, history of hematological malignancy, late for fibrinolysis or those with contraindication to fibrinolysis were excluded were excluded. Demographic information (name, age, address, and education) was also noted. Results: Mean age of the participants was 57.99 ± 6.10 years while the age range was from 30 to 70 years. Most of patients 164 were included in the age group of 51 to 70 years. 110 (59.46%) patients were male and 75 (46.54%) of them were females. Frequency of neutrophil and lymphocyte ratio among NSTEMI/USA patients was found in 91 (49.19%) patients. My study has shown higher frequency of mortality in patients of NSTEMI/USA having high NLR 26 (28.57%) compared to normal NLR 06 (6.38%) with p value = 0.0001. Conclusion: Frequency of high neutrophil and lymphocyte ratio among NSTEMI/USA patients is very high with higher mortality in high Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio group as compared to low NLR group. Keywords: Myocardial infarction, Non ST elevation, Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio


Lahore Medical and Dental College







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